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What the What 

The Strange Ventures Fellowship is a six week intensive for designers, developers, and builders of all stripes— we call them design hackers. Design hackers will build real, new- to- the- world product prototypes, leveraging exclusive access to pre-alpha AI features and APIs.

Over the hack weeks, participants will work through a design process, from research and insights to building, prototyping, and testing. You will have access to leading AI founders, Strange Partners, and other advisors.

Ideally, at the end of the program, you will have explored and built several MVPs. Maybe even find an idea you want to go after.

Who you are 

Designers who aren’t afraid of a code editor or the command line; hackers who understand the value of design and human insights. We don’t care where you went to school. We do care if you can ship.

As the old saying goes, a prototype is worth 1,000 meetings. Fuck meetings.

You're in San Francisco between July 8 and August 16 2024, and down to hack with us during the week.

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Generated Testimonail

        “We can't understand how we've lived without Strange.”

Alayne Z.

[Insert Hacker Here]

        “Good people, great company, working on bold ideas.!”

Ertha N.

[Insert Founder Here]

        “We have no regrets! I couldn't have asked for more than this.”

Oreste V.